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Auto Reloading Tabs

This page will cover how to auto reload tabs in the Jancy browser.

Refresh Icon

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  • The first way to auto-reload tabs in Jancy is by using the refresh icon on the Jancy window. To begin, right-click on the refresh icon.

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  • From here you are going to select the “Auto-reload” dropdown menu.

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  • On this menu you can select how often you want the tabs to reload. The first option that says “Off” allows you to turn auto reload off after you have turned it on. The last option that says “Hard reload” allows you to control if you want each reload of the tab to be a hard reload.

  • Documentation on hard reloading can be found here.

If you want to enable the hard reload while auto-reloading tabs, follow these steps. First, click on “Hard Reload”. Then, navigate back to the “Auto Reload” dropdown menu and select the desired interval between reloads.

Auto Reload For Multiple Tabs

If you wish to set auto-reload for multiple tabs, follow these steps. First, mass-select the tabs that you intend to auto-reload. Next, right-click on the tab bar and choose “Reload Tabs”. This will bring up the “Auto Reload” dropdown menu. Then, follow the instructions detailed in the refresh icon documentation to set up the auto reloading for the selected tabs.

  • Documentation on how to mass select tabs can be found here.

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Turning Off Auto Reload For Multiple Tabs

If you would like to turn off auto reload for multiple tabs first mass select the tabs that you want to turn off auto reload. The open the command palette useing the keyboard shortcut ctrl-shift-spacebar or command-shift-spacebar. Then search “Turn auto-reload off in selected tabs” and select it.

  • Documentation on the command palette can be found here

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Auto-Reload Settings

  • Documentation on how to change tab reload settings can be found here.

Reload On Delay

The “Reload on delay” feature in Jancy lets you reload any tab on a time delay.

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  • With a value of 5 seconds the tab you have selected will reload in 5 seconds.

Reload On Delay Interval

You can also reload multiple tabs on a delay interval in your Jancy window by first mass selecting tabs. Then follow this path on the Jancy window.

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With a value of 5 seconds and reloading 5 tabs, here’s the timing of the reload for each tab.

  • the first tab will reload in 5 seconds
  • the second tab will reload 5 seconds after the first tab has reloaded
  • the third tab will reload 5 seconds after the second tab has reloaded or 10 seconds after the first tab
  • the fourth tab will reload 5 seconds after the third tab has reloaded or 15 seconds after the first tab
  • the fifth tab will reload 5 seconds after the fourth tab has reloaded or 20 seconds after the first tab

Focus Tab on Auto-Reload

This feature allows you to set focus on the tab that is being reloaded using the auto-reload feature.

This feature can be found at the bottom of the auto-reload feature that is shown above

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If you would like to enable this feature for all tabs that are created toggle the “New tabs start with “Focus tab on auto-reload enabled”” in the core section of Jancy settings.