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Inter-process Communication

Jancy’s IPC interface is based off of Electron’s ipcMain module.

There is only one IPC interface and it can always be found at jancy.ipc.


ipc.sendTo(webContentId, channel, args)

  • webContentId (Integer)
  • channel (string)
  • args (Any)

Sends args on channel to webContentId.

ipc.handle(channel, listener)

Same as ipcMain.handle.

ipc.handleOnce(channel, listener)

Same as ipcMain.handleOnce., listener)

Same as ipc.removeListener.

ipc.on(channel, listener)

Same as ipcMain.on.

ipc.once(channel, listener)

Same as ipcMain.once.


Same as ipcMain.removeAllListeners.


Same as ipcMain.removeHandler.

ipc.removeListener(channel, listener)

Same as ipcMain.removeListener.