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Greasemonkey Compatibility

Metablock Fields

These are the only Metablock fields that have meaning to Jancy.

Only GM_addStyle, GM.addStyle, GM_xmlHttpRequest, and GM.xmlHttpRequest are recognized

API Compatibility

At the moment, Jancy supports a very small subset of the Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey APIs.

Jancy’s implementation of GM.xmlHttpRequest doesn’t support mixed content requests. If the page is served up with https then you can only use GM_xmlHttpRequest with other https endpoints. A connection to an http won’t work unless it’s to http://localhost.

For GM_xmlHttpRequest these are the TamperMonkey fields that are not currently supported:

  • cookie
  • binary
  • nocache
  • revalidate
  • anonymous
  • fetch
  • onloadstart

For GM_xmlHttpRequest these are the GreaseMonkey fields that are not currently supported:

  • binary
  • upload