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Adding Proxies

This page will walk you through how to add a proxy CSV to your jancy browser.

  • Additional documentation on adding proxies to your jancy browser can be found here.

Opening Jancy’s Proxy Settings

After right-clicking on the proxies icon and selecting “Configure proxies…”, you will be taken to the proxy settings page in Jancy. Here, you can add a proxy CSV to your Jancy browser.

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Adding Proxy CSV File

After clicking on the “Add a proxy provider” plus sign, you will be prompted to select v1 or v2 this is v1. By clicking on the three dots to the right of the path field, you can select the file that contains your proxies.

  • Documentation on how to format a proxy CSV file can be found here.

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Choosing A Delimeter

After selecting your proxy file, the path and name fields will automatically populate. You then need to choose the delimiter used in your file and specify whether or not your file has a header row.\

A comma, tab, colon, and semi-colon are the currently supported delimiters.

Choosing A Mode

Next, you can select the mode which determines the order in which your proxies are selected. There are three modes available: “Persist,” which maintains a sequential order even after file reloading, “Start Over,” which starts from the top of the list each time, and “Random,” which randomly selects a proxy.

  • Additional documentation on modes can be found here.

v2 Of Adding Proxy CSV

For v2 all of the steps will be the same except for one difference. You will have to select a column format that matches your csv file.

How To Know When A Proxy CSV Has Been Added

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After selecting your file and clicking “Add” in the previous picture, you will be taken back to the proxy settings screen, as shown below. Here, you can see the name of the proxy CSV you added. Also, you can perform several actions by selecting the icons below the proxy CSV.

- Star Icon

If you have multiple proxy providers, you can set one as the default by toggling the star icon.

- Edit Icon

To edit the configuration of your proxy file, click on the icon with a pencil and paper. This will take you back to the form shown in the previous picture.

- Refresh Icon

If you have made changes to your proxy file and need to update them in Jancy, toggle the refresh button shown in the snapshot above. This will prompt Jancy to re-read the selected file and update any new information.

- Trash Icon

To delete a proxy provider, click on the trash can icon.