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Prerelease builds are generally stable and should be safe to run. We try our best to test the features thoroughly before release but bugs might slip through the cracks. Unless otherwise noted, downgrading to a previous stable release of Jancy is as simple as running the installer for the release you want to run.

v1.2.0 - February 16, 2023

v1.2.0 Changelog

  • Added a remember me check box to the login page
  • New internal Command system
  • Added the command palette
  • Added the ability to customize window titles, tab titles, tab subtitles, and the profile title in the profile panel
  • Added the ability to reload selected tabs on intervals
  • Added the ability to set the reload time for a tab
  • Added the ability to copy Profile information into input fields via the context menu that appears when clicking on an input field in a page
  • Added the ability to start tabs with a Profile selected
  • Added a cookie viewer plugin to enable viewing of all the cookies for a tab
  • Added the ability to change how Jancy iterates through tabs
  • Added “jancy://commands” page to view all the commands
  • Added the ability to customize key binds with the keybinds.txt file
  • Added sms number field to the profile panel
  • Added a context menu to the Change URL dialog box with a “Paste and go” menu option
  • Added a randomize profile feature to the New and Duplicate tab custom dialogs
  • Added the network traffic logger that can make compatible files to analyze network events
  • Added the ability to disable profile providers without deleting them
  • Added the ability to close tabs below in the tabview context menu
  • Added the ability to close tabs with a lower priority in the tab button menus
  • Added the ability for tabs to have passcodes that are separate from the passcodes on a profile. The new tab custom dialog can assign tab passcodes when making tabs.
  • Added the ability to reset window positions at login by holding shift when clicking the login button
  • Updated proxy randomizer to use a shuffled list so that a proxy isn’t used twice before all proxies have been used
  • Updated commands to take a third argument for an object called args to broaden the scope of commands
  • Cleaned up tab context menus so Close options are not as easy to misclick
  • Removed the Stylesheet… file menu item
  • queue-it: Added,, and as URLs to extract queue position and assign tab priority
  • smsdeliverer: New plug-in that provides a custom gmail parser for Ticketmaster 2FA text messages sent to a Gmail account
  • ticketmaster: Added,, and as URLs for assigning priority groups and capturing queue positions
  • textchest: Added a textchest-async resolver for grabbing ticketmaster codes from textchest async plans
  • New commands
    • Change tab passcodes
    • Close tab panel all tabs
    • Close tab panel selected tabs
    • Copy email code to the clipboard
    • Copy SMS code to the clipboard
    • Open cookie viewer
    • Open network logger
    • Open tab panel all tabs
    • Open tab panel selected tabs
    • Stop all tabs
    • Stop selected tabs
  • New keybinds
    • ctrl-shift-spacebar (command-shift-spacebar on Mac) to open the command palette
  • New tab context menu items
    • Reload on delay
    • Change tab passcodes…
  • New TabView context menu items
    • Reload on delay
    • Change tab passcodes…
  • New Settings
    • Core -> New Tabs -> Start tabs with a profile selected
    • Core -> Reload Tab Time Options
    • User Interface -> Tabbed Windows -> Tab iteration mode
    • User Interface -> Tabs -> Prompt for confirmation when turning the proxy off
    • User Interface -> Format Strings -> Tabbed window title
    • User Interface -> Format Strings -> Tab title
    • User Interface -> Format Strings -> Tab subtitle
  • Autofill support
    • Better ticketweb autofill support
    • Added default autocomplete rules for address2 fields
    • First unused passcode is now used when autofilling
  • Bug fix: arc profile provider properly rejects lines without a first name, last name, or an email
  • Bug fix: fixed trasparency issue with the login window
  • Bug fix: fixed a misleading error message with the textchext and seathero resolvers when a profile didn’t have an sms number
  • Bug fix: fixed bug with zoom not working with default setting and duplicate tab
  • Bug fix: fixed a bug that was creating the “Add a temporary proxy” on the wrong Jancy window
  • Bug fix: fixed a bug when spawning tabs in new windows where the new tab was supposed to get focus and it wasn’t
  • Bug fix: made some progress on Seems to be working a bit better on Windows. Mac I’m not so sure

v1.1.7 Changelog - February 5, 2023

  • Bug fix: Fixed bug where profiles in a new window would load the profile into the first window’s active tab
  • Bug fix: Fixed a bug that would not put the window on screen if a display was unplugged

v1.1.6 Changelog - January 23, 2023

  • ticketsuite: Fixed a bug that was preventing the ability to capture stubhub listing ids
  • Bug fix: Fixed an issue that broke the ability to close tabs sometimes
  • Bug fix: Stopped zombie RAM usage and processes left when closing the window and when over the restore tab limit
  • Bug fix: Fixed issue with the parent window remaining open when all tabs are moved out

v1.1.5 Changelog - January 22, 2023

  • Added functionality when changing the number of tabs to remember, the old tabs will be purged to match the new limit
  • ticketcount: Moved the ticketcount widget for to the left hand side
  • Bug fix: Remember tabs wouldn’t purge the old tabs if the number of tabs to remember was reduced
  • Bug fix: Fixed an issue when going over the remember tab limit the wrong tab would get purged

v1.1.4 Changelog - January 19, 2023

  • ticketmaster: Even better logic for writing queue positions to disk.
  • Bug fix: Fixed a bug with moving multiple tabs into an existing window
  • Bug fix: Fixed tabs randomly moving after dragging into existing window
  • Bug fix: Fixed an issue with jancy window not being visible on app start up after monitor changes happen
  • Bug fix: Fixed an issue with the currently selected tab panel (profile, info, debug) not duplicating correctly

v1.1.3 Changelog - January 18, 2023

  • Added a Copy context menu item to copy highligted text from a page to the clipboard
  • ticketmaster: Added a different checkout URL to capture cart timers
  • ticketmaster: Improved the logic of when queue positions are written to disk and when it’s prevented

v1.1.2 Changelog - January 17, 2023

  • Added custom timeout input for proxy tester dialog
  • Added ability to resize proxy tester dialog
  • ticketmaster: Added an option that will use profile information as a backup for the queue position file when capturing user info fails (File -> Settings -> Ticketmaster -> Use profile information as a backup if capturing Ticketmaster user info fails)
  • Bug fix: Fixed randomizing profiles on Mac by changing it from ctrl+click to shift+click on all operating systems

v1.1.1 Changelog - January 15, 2023

  • Added a button to clear cache of previously logged in google accounts
  • Bug fix: Ticketmaster gmail parser now gets invoked correctly when no parser is specified

v1.1.0 Changelog - January 10, 2023

  • Autofill rules allow for hard-coded values instead of having to always be a profile field
  • Added the ability to filter profiles by configured buyer IDs
  • Added “Buyer” column support to the profile CSV file
  • Added Proxy Tester to the proxies settings page
  • Added the ability to reopen a closed tab
  • Gmail resolver supports an optional label to look for emails under. The default is the INBOX label.
  • arc: Added support for the “Buyer” and “BuyerTag” column
  • ejoin: New plug-in that provides a custom gmail parser for Ticketmaster 2FA text messages sent to a Gmail account
  • google: Added support for custom email parsers
  • stdlib: Default proxy provider remembers last selected delimiter
  • ticketcount: Added a partial row word filtering option for and
  • ticketmaster: Ticketmaster gmail parser will find password reset emails
  • New settings
    • Profiles -> Buyer IDs
    • Core -> Max tabs that can be restored (20 is default)
  • New keybinds
    • ctrl-shift-m (command-shift-m on Mac) restore last closed tab
  • New tab context menu items
    • Reopen Tab
  • New menu options
    • Tabs -> Reopen Tab
  • Autofill support
    • Added rules for evenue account creation form
  • Bug fix: ticketmaster plug-in won’t write to the queue position file multiple times if the tab is reloaded
  • Bug fix: fixed an issue with all input fields having a “Paste and search” context menu item and not just the URL field
  • Bug fix: fixed an issue that was causing an exception to be thrown when closing a window with the alt+f4 key bind
  • Bug fix: fixed issue with dragging text moving the current tab to a new window
  • Bug fix: fixed an issue with dialog heights and widths on Mac