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Frequently Asked Question

Can I add Chrome extensions to Jancy?

No. Jancy does not support Chrome extensions at the moment but hopefully in the future. Though Jancy is based on Chromium, it’s not a derivative like other browsers. This distinction introduces certain limitations, one being an incompatibility with Chrome extensions.

Can Jancy connect to email accounts to retrieve codes?

Yes. Jancy provides two methods to connect to email accounts for retrieving codes - Gmail integration and IMAP integration.

The Gmail integration is more robust and faster but requires additional setup effort and a paid Google Workspace account. It’s an ideal choice if you use a Gmail account as a catchall, where all emails from your buying accounts converge into a single email account. Detailed instructions for setting up Google Workspace with Jancy can be found here.

The IMAP integration is easier to set up and does not incur any additional cost. However, IMAP is not as fast or robust as Gmail API when it comes to email search and retrieval. IMAP works well with free Gmail, Hotmail, and possibly Yahoo accounts (though we’ve only tested it with Gmail and Hotmail accounts).

Regardless of the method chosen, both integrations connect to your profiles using the Site columns in a similar way to how Site-specific passwords for a profile are integrated into Jancy. For further information, refer to our documentation on Site column, Resolver, Gmail resolver for the Gmail integration, and IMAP resolver for the IMAP integration.

  • Documentation for Jancy’s profile system can be found here
  • Documentation for setting up the Gmail intergration can be found here
  • Documentation for setting up the IMAP integration can be found here

What does the 375 error mean and how can I troubleshoot it?

The 375 error usually signifies an issue with proxy authentication.

To determine if the problem originates from the proxy or another network issue, try disabling the proxy in the tab and accessing the same website. If the website loads without issues, the error is likely related to the proxy.

Additional questions to consider include: Does your proxy provider require IP address whitelisting to use their proxies? Have there been any recent changes to your proxies? Have any modifications been made to the proxy or profile CSV file used with Jancy? Investigating these factors could help uncover the source of the error.

  • For a detailed technical definition, you can refer to the Chromium source code here.

Can Jancy automatically retrieve SMS and email codes?

No. While Jancy can link to the sources of these codes (email and/or SMS service providers), Jancy does not automatically refresh SMS or email codes. Each time a new code is sent, whether through SMS or email, you will need to tell Jancy to go and retrieve new codes. Refreshing the codes for the profile in Jancy can be done in a couple of ways. There are key binds, menu options, and the refresh button next to each field in the profile tab panel.

  • Documentation for Jancy’s profile system can be found here
  • Documentation for linking SMS and email code providers to profiles can be found here

Can Jancy auto-refresh a profile password?

Yes. Unlike SMS and email codes, passwords can be auto-refreshed. If you wish to auto-refresh a profile password upon loading a site, toggle the checkbox labeled Auto-refresh password when the password has already been resolved. To find this setting, navigate to Jancy settings, then Profiles and toggle the checkbox for Auto-refresh password when the password has already been resolved.

  • Documentation for Jancy settings can be found here
  • Documentation for user interface settings can be found here

Is your Jancy browser running slower than it usually does?

There could be several factors causing your Jancy browser to run slower than usual. One way to try to troubleshoot this is resetting Jancy back to its factory default settings.

  • Documentation for resetting Jancy to its default settings can be found here.

Can I load a password from a third-party site?

Yes. If your passwords to a site, such as Ticketmaster, are stored in service providers like 1ticket, Lysted, and/or Automatiq, Jancy can fetch the passwords for an account from these providers. This feature works with Jancy’s profile system.

  • Documentation for Jancy’s profile system can be found here
  • Documentation for linking 1ticket to a profile can be found here
  • Documentation for linking Automatiq to a profile can be found here
  • Documentation for linking Lysted to a profile can be found here

My passwords aren’t showing up after adding them to the profile CSV?

If you’re putting passwords directly into your profile CSV file, it’s crucial to follow the format password=$my-password. The $ symbol serves as a special indicator to Jancy, signaling it to return the value after the $. Also, it’s importatnt to note that passwords, SMS codes, and email codes are all site specific. The tab you’re trying to retrieve profile password for needs to be on the site that corresponds the Site column you specified the password in. For example, if you specified your password in the Site:Ticketmaster column but the tab is not on a TM domain, Jancy won’t return your password.

  • Documentation for the static profile resolver can be found here
  • Documentation for the Site columns can be found here

Can I assign proxies to a profile?

Yes. You can assign proxies to a specific profile by adding a Proxy column to your profile CSV file and indicating the proxy to use for each profile.

  • Documentation for Jancy’s profile system can be found here
  • Documentation for the Proxy column can be found here

Can Jancy show queue positions and/or cart timers?

Yes. Jancy displays queue positions and cart timers in the subtitle of a tab. Subtitles are not turned on by default. If you wish to display subtitles in tabs you must toggle the Show subtitles in tabs setting in the User Interface setting panel. To find this setting, navigate to Jancy settings, then User Interface, then Tabs, and toggle the checkbox for Show subtitles in tabs.

  • Documentation on the Queue-it plug-in can be found here
  • Documentation for Jancy settings can be found here
  • Documentation for user interface settings can be found here

Can I control the order proxies are assigned to tabs?

Yes. Kind of. There are three settings for how proxies are given out from a file: Persist, Start Over, and Random. Persist will give out proxies from the file in the order specified and will always pickup where it left off even if the file is re-read or the application is restarted. Start over starts from the top of the file every time the file is re-read or the application is restarted. Random will randomly select one of the proxy from the file to be used. In random mode, if a proxy was given out, that proxy won’t be given out again until all proxies have been given out.

  • Documentation for the various proxy modes can be found here

Can I start tabs with a proxy enabled?

Yes. To start tabs with proxies enabled, toggle the Start with proxies enabled checkbox in the Core settings panel. To find this setting, navigate to Jancy settings, then Core, then New Tabs, and toggle the checkbox for Start with proxies enabled.

  • Documentation for Jancy settings can be found here
  • Documentation for core settings can be found here

Can Jancy capture queue positions to a file?

Yes. You need to toggle on the Capture queue position checkbox in the Ticketmaster settings panel. To find this setting, navigate to Jancy settings, then Ticketmaster, and toggle the checkbox for Capturue queue position.

This feature works better if you’re using profiles in Jancy.

  • Documentation for Jancy settings can be found here
  • Documentation for Ticketmaster settings can be found here
  • Documentation for Jancy’s profile system can be found here

How often does Jancy not work?

In the past 6 months I think we’ve been down for about 15 minutes. A site rolled out a new security solution that impacted Jancy’s ability to work with it. We were lucky enough to have a workaround posted in about 15 minutes and a hot fix out a couple of hours later. Every day, these sites are making it harder and harder and everyone’s project has bad days and our project, I’m sure, will be no exception. The only guarantee is that there is no guarantee. What was working yesterday may not work today. We encourage everyone to have a backup solution and is one of the primary reasons we price Jancy the way we do. We’re completely fine being your backup plan.