Tab Update Object
clearData ([string]
An array of keys to remove from
const tab = jancy.tabManager.getTab({ uuid: "75442486-0878-440c-9db1-a7006c25a39f" }) const updates = { data: { first: 1, second: 2 } } jancy.tabManager.updateTab(tab, updates) console.log( // { first: 1, second: 2 } const newUpdates = { clearData: ["second"] } jancy.tabManager.updateTab(tab, newUpdates) console.log( // { first: 1 }
data (object
Sets the tab data.
A value of null
or and empty object {}
clears all the data.
const tab = jancy.tabManager.getTab({ uuid: "75442486-0878-440c-9db1-a7006c25a39f" }) const updates = { data: { first: 1 } } jancy.tabManager.updateTab(tab, updates) console.log( // { first: 1 }
emailCode (Resolved Value object
Updates the tab’s resolved email code value with a new resolved value object.
Can be null
favicon (string
Updates the tab’s favicon.
This should be a URL.
notes (string
Sets or clears the notes associated with the tab.
Pass null
to clear the notes.
panel (string
Set the current tab panel.
Valid values are profile
, notes
, and debug
If the panel
is preceeded by a !
then we’re in toggle mode. In toggle mode, if the current panel is the same as the new panel then we just toggle the tab panel off. If they’re not the same we make sure tab panel is enabled.
password (Resolved Value object
Updates the tab’s resolved password value with a new resolved value object.
Can be null
priority (Integer
Set the tab’s priority.
Valid values are 0-9
priorityGroup (Integer
Set the tab’s priority group.
Valid values are 0-9
reloadSeconds (Integer
Starts or stops the tab auto-reload feature.
Passing a value of null
turns off tab reloading.
smsCode (Resolved Value object
Updates the tab’s resolved sms code value with a new resolved value object.
Can be null
subTitle (string
Updates the tab’s subtitle.
title (string
Updates the tab’s title.
updateData (Object
Inserts or updates all properties from updateData
const tab = jancy.tabManager.getTab({ uuid: "75442486-0878-440c-9db1-a7006c25a39f" }) const updates = { data: { first: 1 } } jancy.tabManager.updateTab(tab, updates) console.log( // { first: 1 } const newUpdates = { data: { second: 2 } } jancy.tabManager.updateTab(tab, newUpdates) console.log( // { first: 1, second: 2 }
url (string
Updates the tab’s URL.
Updating the URL does not cause the tab to navigate.
zoomDirection (string
Increases or decreases the tab’s zoom level by 1 in either direction.
Possible values are in
(increases zoom) or out
(decreases zoom).
zoomLevel (Integer
Updates the tab’s zoom level.