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This page displays all of the sites you have bookmarked and allows you to edit and add bookmarks to folders. Bookmarking pages is discussed here.

Adding Bookmarked Sites to a New Folder

  1. Edit the Bookmark:
    Click the edit button next to the bookmarked site you want to add to a new folder.

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  2. Create a New Folder:
    In the dialog box, open the folder drop-down menu and select “New Folder…”. Enter the name of the new folder in the “New Folder” field and click save.

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  3. View the New Folder:
    After saving, the new folder will appear in the bookmarks page and underneath the navigation bar. To view all sites in the folder, click the “+” button to expand the folder in the settings page or click on the folder under the navigation bar.

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Adding Bookmarked Sites to an Existing Folder

  1. Edit the Bookmark:
    Click the edit button next to the bookmarked site you want to add to an existing folder.

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  2. Select the Folder:
    In the dialog box, under the folder section, choose the folder where you want to add the bookmarked site and click save.

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  3. View the Updated Folder:
    After saving, the bookmarked site will be listed under the selected folder.

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