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Purchase Capturing

Our namath plug-in implements our purchase capturing tool for Jancy that allows you to automatically record purchases. Additionally, it can report individual purchases to discord, slack, or a custom channel.

Caveats and Known Issues

See Purchase Coordination for quirks we’ve experienced with Namath, Slack, and Discord


The namath plug-in is disabled by default. To use namath, the first thing you need to do is go to the plug-ins page in Jancy (Settings -> Plug-ins), locate the namath plug-in in the list, and slide the slider to the right.

Basic usage

Once Namath is enabled any completed order in the following marketplaces will get automatically recorded

  • Ticketmaster

Go to the Namath settings page (Settings -> Namath) to you see a table of all purchases made since the last time Jancy was opened.



If you’d like to report to discord or slack you can find setup instructions here:

  • Instructions for discord can be found here
  • Instructions for slack can be found here
  • Instructions for google sheets provider can be found here

Making Purchase Channel

Namath can broadcast purchases to channels. A channel represents a connection to a third-party service where a “quarterback” can see the purchase orders

  1. Go to the Namath settings page (Settings -> Namath)
  2. Now click the + button to create a Discord provider for this example that sends to Purchases image
  3. Choose the Discord bot you want and the channel the Namath purchases will be sent to. The Name field is any name you want to assign this channel. It is what shows up when using Namath image
  4. Now you have a Namath Purchase Channel to use. You can test it (sent to the general channel of discord or slack), delete it, or set it to the default Namath Purchase Channel with the star button. image

Send from Checkout

Once you’ve checked out and Namath has detected your Order Number the order will be sent to the table on the Namath settings page. Additionally, the send to channel prompt will show up on the webpage. Looks like the below: image

Autosend purchases

At the bottom of the Namath settings there is a preference labelled “Auto send purchase orders timeout (seconds) -1 to disable”. It will automatically send purchases to the default purchase channel after a set number of seconds. To enable the feature input any positive number in the input box. To disable it put -1 in the input box.