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User Scripts

Jancy comes with built-in support for user scripts and provides it’s own API for you to build user scripts with.

If you have existing Greasemonky/Tampermonkey user scripts, Jancy supports a small subset of the Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey APIs.

Metadata Block Fields

These are the currently supported metablock fields and how they’re interpreted.

All other metablock fields are ignored.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Bigger Ticketmaster Dots
// @version      1
// @description  Makes the dots on the Ticketmaster seatmap bigger.
// @author       Joshua May
// @match        https://**/event/*
// @match        https://**/event/*
// @match        https://**
// @match        https://**
// @match        https://**
// @match        https://**/event/*
// ==/UserScript==

JancyAPI Object

Jancy adds a jancyAPI object to the window object of every page and frame it loads.


  • style (string) - CSS you want to add to the current page.


  • message (string)

Writes message to the Jancy console.


  • text (string)

Writes text to the clipboard


  • text (string)

Writes text to the clipboard and generates an OS notification.

window.jancyAPI.dispatchAction(action, args)

Document me.


  • code (string)

Returns a promise that resolves with the result of executing code in the webpage.


  • name (string)

Returns a promise that resolves with a string that corresponds to name. The following are the valid values for name:

  • home User’s home directory.
  • temp Temporary directory.
  • exe The current executable file.
  • module The libchromiumcontent library.
  • desktop The current user’s Desktop directory.
  • documents Directory for a user’s “My Documents”.
  • downloads Directory for a user’s downloads.
  • music Directory for a user’s music.
  • pictures Directory for a user’s pictures.
  • videos Directory for a user’s videos.
  • recent Directory for the user’s recent files (Windows only).
  • logs Directory for your app’s log folder.
  • crashDumps Directory where crash dumps are stored.


Returns an object with the following properties.

  • tabId (string) a unique identifier for the tab the user script is running in


Returns a promise that resolves with a profile object or null if a profile isn’t selected into the tab.


Scroll the current page to the bottom.

Mileage may vary depending on the page.


Scroll the current page to the top.

window.jancyAPI.writeToFile(path, text)

  • path (string)
  • text (text)

Appends text to the file at path.


Document me.

An Example

The following is an example user script that makes the non-resale dots on a Ticketmaster seat map bigger.

  1. Copy the following example to a new file called bigger-tm-dots.js.
  2. Add bigger-tm-dots.js to Jancy via the User Script settings panel (File -> Settings -> User Scripts)
// ==UserScript==
// @name         Bigger Ticketmaster Dots
// @version      1
// @description  Makes the dots on the Ticketmaster seatmap bigger.
// @author       Joshua May
// @match        https://**/event/*
// @match        https://**/event/*
// @match        https://**
// @match        https://**
// @match        https://**
// @match        https://**/event/*
// ==/UserScript==

const radius = 16     // change this to be your desired dot size

/* This is the CSS we're injecting into the page.
const style = `
  circle[data-component="svg__seat"].is-available { r: ${ radius }; }

/* For most ordinary websites, we could just call window.jancyAPI.addStyle() or
** GM_addStyle() (for GreaseMonkey you need to add @grant to the Metadata block)
** and be done with it but for TM we need our custom CSS to be injected
** into the page. The following bit of code creates a style element, set some properties
** along with the innerHTML and then adds it as a child element to the head node of the
** of the page.
let stylesheet = document.createElement('style')
stylesheet.rel = "stylesheet"
stylesheet.type = "text/css"
stylesheet.innerHTML = style

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