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Ticketmaster Plug-in

The ticketmaster plug-in adds the following capabilities to Jancy:

  • Captures and assigns priority to tabs based on the amount of time left on a Ticketmaster cart.
  • Capture event information and cart information and assign it as data on the tab.
  • Capture the currently logged in user and assign it as data on the tab (this doesn’t work very well).
  • Provides an option to dismiss the overlay when an event page loads.
  • Provides an option to autoselect no insurance on the checkout page.
  • Provides an option utoselect terms and conditions on the checkout page.
  • Provides options to capture initial queue positions and save them to disk.
  • Provides options to assign priority groups to tabs based on the current Ticketmaster page.


If the Ticketmaster plug-in is enabled, you can edit the Ticketmaster settings from the Settings page in Jancy.

Dismiss overlay when the event page loads

If checked, the overlay that appears when an event page first loads, will be dismissed.

Only on auto-reload

If checked and Dismiss overlay when the event page loads is checked, the overlay will only be dismissed when the tab has auto-reload enabled.

Depending on the overlay that is dismissed, it’s possible that some functionality of the page can become broken. For example, if the overlay that is dismissed is a dialog box that prompts the user for an unlock code, the ability to press the “Next” button may not work. Mileage may vary.

Show cart timer in the tab’s subtitle

If checked, a cart’s timer will be displayed as the subtitle of the tab.

Also include the name on the credit card

If checked and Show cart timer in the tab's subtitle is checked, the plug-in will also attempt to extract the name on the card card and, if successful, will display it in the subtitle as well.

Display original non-resell price ranges on the event page

If checked, we’ll attempt to capture the original non-resell price ranges for the event and display them on the event page.

Autoselect no insurance

If checked, we’ll attempt to check the no insurance option during checkout.

Sometimes this feature doesn’t work.

Autoselect terms and conditions

If checked, we’ll attempt to check the option that indicates terms and conditions have been read.

Sometimes this feature doesn’t work.

Capture queue position

If checked, enables the ability to capture initial queue positions to either a CSV file and/or a google sheet.

The format of the lines in the CSV or Google Sheet is as follows:

timestamp, event ID, position, email, url, event name, artist name, venue name, proxy

Use profile information as a backup if capturing Ticketmaster user info fails

If checked, use the email associated with the profile (as long as profile was selected in the tab) as a back up if we were unsuccessful capturing the currently logged in user.

The feature to capture the currently logged in user is very unreliable. It’s recommended to turn this feature on and use profiles to get the best data.

Track fast accounts

If checked, additional tracking methods to monitor accounts that progress through queues rapidly, bypassing position assignment. This process involves conditional logic aimed at addressing such scenarios, but might not catch them all.

A position of -1 will be written to the outputs if Track fast accounts is enabled and a fast account is identified.

Include GMT offset in timestamps

If checked, the timestamps written to the outputs will be written as MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM GMT-H:MM otherwise they’ll be written as MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM.

Include configured username as a column in outputs

If checked, the configured username will be included as a column in the outputs.

Output directory

If checked, queue positions will be written to a CSV file in the directory specified called ticketmaster_queue_positions.csv.

The ticketmaster_queue_position.csv is treated as a growing log file of queue positions. If you move the file or rename it, a new one will be created.

If you have the ticketmaster_queue_position.csv opened in an application like Excel that locks the file, when the plug-in attempts to write to the file, the write will fail and the data will be lost.

Include the event ID in the filename

If checked, the filename will be ticketmaster_queue_position_EVENTID.csv instead of ticketmaster_queue_position.csv effectively creating a file per event.

Open output directory

Pressing this button will open the configured output folder via your OS

Google Sheet

If checked, queue positions will be written to the Google Sheet specified.

The Google Account must have the Google Sheet: Read/Write scope.

Unset sheet

Pressing this button will clear the input box that contains your currently configured Google SHeet.

Memory Buffer

If checked, queue positions will be stored in an internal memory buffer. There is an option to save these buffered positions to disk and to flush the buffer.

This feature can be helpful in situations where a problem arises during the writing of queue positions, preventing Jancy from writing to the sheet or CSV. In such cases, if the memory buffer option is checked, you can still write all buffered positions to a new file.

When this feature is enabled, positions stored in memory will not be flushed unless the ‘Flush Buffer’ button is clicked.

Save buffer to disk

Pressing this button will save the buffered memory positions as a CSV to a file.

When saving to disk, the process will overwrite any existing data in the file instead of appending to the end of it.

Flush buffer

Delete all positions in the memory buffer.

Queue Command Processor

The queue command processor display stats of how the queue position recording system is working in real time.


If checked indicates the processor is schedule to run


If checked indicates that all commands buffered to be processed will be addressed on the next iteration of the processor

File error

If checked indicates that there was an error writing to the configured file output on the last attempt

Sheet error

If checked indicates that there was an error writing to the configured google sheet output on the last attempt

Commands received

Indicates the total number of commands received

Commands buffered

Indicates the current number of buffered commands that need to be processed

Commands processed

Indicates the total number of commands processed

“In-queue” commands processed

Indicates the total number of “In-queue” commands processed

“Got position” commands processed

Indicates the total number of “Got position” commands processed

Tab/event positions already outputted

Indicates the number of “Got position” commands filtered because a position was already processed for the tab/event combo

Tab/events(s) not expecting position commands

Indicates the number of “Got position” commands filtered because a position was reported for a tab/event and a position wasn’t expected

Position commands processed

Indicates the number of positions presented for output

Positions written to CSV

Indicates the number of positions that have been written to the configured CSV output

Positions written to sheet

Indicates the number of positions that have been written to the configured Google sheet

Positions written to memory buffer

Indicates the number of positions written to memory buffer

Write test position

Pressing this button will inject a fake position into the processor and lets you test your configured outputs

Reset stats

Pressing this button will reset all the processor stats

Flush commands

Pressing this button will cause all the commands currently buffered to be processed on the next iteration

Restart processor

Pressing this button will manually force the processor to run for an iteration

Toggle test mode on/off

When test mode is enabled, the tab’s ability to navigate will be disabled after the tab reports a position.

Test mode remains on until you turn it off or restart the application.

Phrases To Search The Event For

This feature enables you to search for specific phrases within an event. It scans the pop-up that appears on some Ticketmaster pages as well as the “Important Event Info” section, located in the top right of the page. If the phrase is found, the border of the page will change to the color specified. Additionally, the identified phrase will be displayed next to the “More Info” box on the page.

This example uses the phrase “face value ticket exchange”, and a green border.

image info

Priority Groups

Lets you assign a priority group to the various stages of the ticketmaster order processing flow.