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The Tab Manager

The Tab Manager is responsible for creating tabs and is the primary interface for modifying them. It also maintains a list of all tabs in the application across all windows.

There is only one tab manager and it can always be found at jancy.tabManager.



Returns an array of all tab objects.


  • partitionId (string)

Returns an array of all tab objects that belong to the same partition.


  • search (Object)
    • uuid (string)

Returns a tab object that matches uuid otherwise null.

const tab = jancy.tabManager.getTab({ uuid: "75442486-0878-440c-9db1-a7006c25a39f" })

tabManager.navigateTab(tab, arg)

  • tab (Tab object)
  • arg (Object)
    • mode (string) required can be back, forward, home, url, reload, stop, or stop-or-reload
    • url (string) optional the URL to navigate to if mode is url
    • hard (boolean) optional perform a hard reload if mode is reload or stop-or-reload

Causes the tab to start navigating, or stops a current navigation, or reload a tab.

const tab = jancy.tabManager.getTab({ uuid: "75442486-0878-440c-9db1-a7006c25a39f" })
jancy.tabManager.navigateTab(tab, { url: '' })

tabManager.updateTab(tab, arg, force=false)

We use this method that takes one or more changes in the form of a tab update object called arg to properly update the given tab object and broadcast changes back to interested parties.

In an attempt to minimize notification chatter, properties in arg are compared against the current corresponding value on the tab. Updates are only applied when there is a difference. Setting force to true overrides this behavior.

const tab = jancy.tabManager.getTab({ uuid: "75442486-0878-440c-9db1-a7006c25a39f" })
const updates = {
  priority: 1,
  subTitle: 'New subtitle'
jancy.tabManager.updateTab(tab, updates)


The following events are emitted by the tab manager.


Emitted when a tab has been added to the manager.


Emitted when a tab has navigated backwards in their history.


Emitted when a tab has navigated forwards in their history.


Emitted when a tab has reloaded.

  • object


Emitted when a tab has been removed for good from the manager.


Emitted when a tab has been reopened.


Emitted when a tab has been closed but is still eligible to be restored.