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Tab Object


createdTime (Date)

Date object that contains when the tab was created.

data (Object)

Custom data currently assigned to the tab.

emailCode (Resolved Value object)

A resolved value object for the email code.

Can be null.

favicon (string)

URL of the favicon for the tab.

notes (string)

The current tab notes.

Can be null.

panel (string)

The currently selected tab panel.

Valid values are profile, notes, and debug.

parentId (string)

UUID of the tab that spawned this tab.

Can be null.

parentWindowId (string)

ID of the window that contains this tab.

partitionId (string)

ID of the partition that this tab belongs to.

password (Resolved Value object)

A resolved value object for the password.

Can be null.

position (Integer)

Position of tab in the window that contains it.

priority (Integer)

The current priority of the group.

Valid values are 0-9.

priorityGroup (Integer)

The current priority group of the tab.

Valid values are 0-9.

profilePasscodes ([Passcode object])

Array of passcode objects from the profile assigned to the tab.

Out of convenience we’re storing profile passcodes on the tab. This might change in a future release.

reloadSeconds (Integer)

Tab refreshes every this many seconds.

null to disable.

smsCode (Resolved Value object)

A resolved value object for the SMS code.

Can be null.

subtitle (string)

The current subtitle of the tab.

tabPasscodes ([Passcode object])

Array of passcode objects assigned directly to the tab.

tabWindowId (Integer)

A unique one up number that is assigned to the tab when the tab is assgined to the window.

timezone (string)

The time zone assigned to the tab.

title (string)

The current title of the tab.

url (string)

Current URL of the tab.

uuid (string)

UUID of the tab.

Guaranteed to be unique among all tabs.

zoomLevel (Integer)

Current zoomLevel of the tab.

0 is unzoomed.