Profile Settings
Save and restore cookies
If checked, cookies will persist on a profile by profile basis.
This feature is experimental.
Save cookies by profile email address
If checked, cookies will be saved based on the profile email address (this has been the default) otherwise cookies will be saved by combination of profile group name and profile name.
Both methods are case sensitive meaning is not the same as and same with group and profile names.
Flush cookies when a profile is unselected
If checked, cookies will be flushed from the tabs when the profile is unselected or changed in the tab.
Auto refresh password when a password hasn’t already been resolved
If checked, Jancy will attempt to refresh the site password for a profile if a password hasn’t already been resolved.
Auto copy resolved profile values to the clipboard
If checked, anytime a profile field is refreshe the resolved value will automatically get copied to the clipboard.
Profile URL overrides home page URL
If checked, pressing the Home button on a tab with a profile that has a URL assigned to it will cause the tab to navigate to the URL on the profile and not the configured Home page URL.
Profile time zone always overrides tab time zone
If checked, the time zone value on a profile will always be used to set the tab’s time zone when the profile is selected in to it regardless if the tab already has a custom time zone set.
This setting only applies to existing tabs when profiles are selected in to them. It doesn’t not apply to tabs being created with profiles assigned to them.
Buyer IDs
A comma-seperated list of buyer IDs to filter profiles by. Jancy will only show profiles that have one of the buyer IDs specified in this setting.
An empty value disables profile filtering by buyer ID.
- Documentation on profile CSVs can be found here.