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Proxy File Format

The proxy file format Jancy natively understands is pretty simple.

The Text Delimited Proxy Provider that comes bundleded with Jancy supports autoselecting Profiles.


You can find an example proxy file here.


A comma, tab, colon, and semi-colon are the currently supported delimiters.


Name (optional)

Any name you want to use to easily identify the proxy.

This column is optional. If you do include it, you don’t have to specify a value.

Host (required)

The IP or host name of the proxy server to connect to.

Port (required)

The port number at Host to connect to.

Username (optional)

The username to use to authenticate against the proxy with.

Password (optional)

The password for Username to use to authenticate against the proxy with.

The Username and Port columns are optional for situations when your connection to the proxy is validated by whitelisting your own IP address