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Proxy Provider Factory Object

The proxy provider factory object defines a standard interface by which proxy providers can be added and modified.

const ProxyProviderFactory = {
  id: 'b504159b-9699-4876-a1d1-395ca752aeb4',
  description: 'Load proxies from our fictitious API',
  showFactoriesToUser: true,
  persistProviders: true,
  createProvider(jancy, state=null) {
    return new ProxyProvider(jancy, state)
  addProvider(jancy, browserWindow) {
    dialog(jancy, browserWindow)
  editProvider(jancy, browserWindow, provider) {
    dialog(jancy, browserWindow, provider)


id (string)

An ID that is guaranteed to be unqiue amongst all proxy provider factory objects.

It’s best to generate this ID with uuidgen or something similar.

description (string)

A string describing your factory. Used for display purposes in the application when the user adds a new provider.

image info

showFactoriesToUser (boolean)

Determines if this factory should present itself in the menu that appears when the user clicks the + button in the Proxy settings panel.

Usually you’d set this to true.

persitProvidrs (boolean)

Determines if this factory creates providers that save and restore themselves to and from disk when Jancy starts and stops.

Usually you’d set this to true.

createProvider (function)

Called to create an instance of this factory’s proxy provider.

createProvider will be called with the following arguments:

  • jancy (Jancy object) the global Jancy object
  • state (any) information used to create your provider

addProvider (function)

Called when the user wants to add a new instance of this factorys [proxy provider`](./proxy-provider).

addProvider will be called with the following arguments:

addProvider should ultimately call jancy.proxyProviders.createProvider() to add a new proxy provider instance to the system.

addProvider should typically present a dialog to the user to prompt for initial creation details but it doesn’t have to.

editProvider (function)

Called when the user wants to edit an existing instance of a provider created by this factory.

editProvider will be called with the following arguments:

  • jancy (Jancy object) the global Jancy object
  • browserWindow (BrowserWindow)
  • provider (Proxy provider) a previously created proxy provider instance created by this factory

editProvider should ultimately call jancy.profileProviders.saveProvider() to save any changes to the state of the provider.