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JYL Scripts

JYL (Jancy language) scripts provide a simple way to expand specific Jancy capabilities using a simple XML like syntax.

 <command id="close-current-tab" description="Close current tab">
   tw.closeTab({ mode: "active" })

JYL Script Format

All JYL files start and end with a jyl tag.


Some of the tags that are supported between the start and end jyl tags are further defined in this secion and can also be expanded via Jancy plug-ins.

JYL Script Filename

JYL files are just text files with a .jyl file extension.

Adding Your Own JYL Script Files

Custom JYL files can be added to the userland jyl directory.

  • On Windows the jyl folder is located at %appdata%\Jancy\jyl
  • On MacOS the jyl foloder is locatd at ~/Library/Application Support/Jancy/jyl

Jancy will scan the jyl directory on startup or when told to via the Rescan JYL directory button in the Core settings panel.

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