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Editing Key Binds Using the Text File

The key binds text file in Jancy allows users to customize key binds by editing the keybind.txt file. While not necessary unless you prefer manually editing the file, the in-app key bind editor provides a convenient interface that modifies this file directly. Information on the in app editor can be found here

You can access the keybind file from the File menu (File -> Keybind edit...). If your OS prompts you for which editor to use, just select the text editor your most comfortable with. When you’re done editing the file, save it. Jancy will autoreload all your keybinds.

image info

  • On Windows the autofill map file is located at %appdata%/Jancy/keybinds.txt
  • On MacOS the autofill map file is locatd at ~/Library/Application Support/Jancy/keybinds.txt

If the file is missing, quit Jancy and restart it. It should be written for you now.

Keybind File Format

The file follows a simple, but strict structure. The format is and must be in this order: id:<command-id>; keybind:<sequence-of-keys-to-press>; context:<context>

Command ID

All commands in the app can be executed via their ID.

All registered commands in the system can be found at jancy://commands page.


These are the key strokes to press to run the command selected e.g. ctrl-shift-p

  • Key binds generally begin with either ctrl or command, for Macs if desired. To be universally accepted the syntax has a ctrlOrCmd keyword that can be used as follows: ctrlOrCmd-shift-p will translate to ctrl-shift-p on non-Mac computers and to command-shift-p on Mac computers.
  • There are special characters reserved and must be escaped so the key binding will map correctly. They are:
    • \ can be input like ctrl-\\
    • ; can be input like ctrl-\;
  • If you want to use Space in a command it is just ctrl-shift-Space
  • You can’t use upper case or the Shift alternative to a key. For instance, ctrl-} won’t work because it is actually ctrl-shift-]


This can be left blank, but the values tend to be:

  • any
  • tab window