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Partition Object


groupId (number)

The group ID assigned to the partition.

This is an always incrementing number mainly used to assign colors to tabs of the same partition.

id (string)

ID of the partition.

Guaranteed to be unique amongst all partitions.

profile (Profile object)

A copy of the profile object assigned to the partition.

If a profile hasn’t been assigned to the partition this will be null.

profileInfo (object)

An object that contains data that can be used to look up the profile.

If profileInfo is not null then it’ll be an object that contains the following properties.

  • groupName (string)
  • profileName (string)

If a profile hasn’t been assigned to the partition this will be null.

proxy (Proxy object)

A copy of the proxy object assigned to the partition.

If a proxy hasn’t been assigned to the partition this will be null

proxyStr (string)

String in the format of host:port if a proxy is assigned to the partition otherwise null.