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v1.0.0 - January 1, 2023


  • Completely overhauled Jancy’s tab implementation
  • Improved Jancy’s request headers and JS capabilities to be more inline with Chrome and other Chrome browsers
  • Improved when built-in plugins inject themselves in to the target page
  • Improvements to the New and Duplicate tab custom dialogs, including better ways to select profiles
  • Added a “Hard reload” option to the auto-reload tab context menu
  • Split the show-my-tickets plugin in to discrete plugins by platform
  • Added a user editable file (File -> Autofill Map…)
  • Made the name column optional for files parsed by the text delimited proxy file parser
  • Added “Inspect” context menu item for sites
  • Added “Address 2”, “Passcode”, and “SMS Number” as profile fields
  • Unmasked the “Username” field on the profile panel
  • Added support for an emailcode resolvers
  • Added an Email Code profile field to the profile panel
  • Added Google Account support and a gmail emailcode resolver
  • Removed “CC Type” column from profile CSV. Type is inferred based on card number
  • Combined the profile Address and Credentials sections into one section
  • Autofill maps can specify an option to override the setting of the “Autofill fileds that are already populated” preference
  • Added “address2”, “ccNumberFormatted”, “phoneNumberAreaCode”, “passcode”, “emailcode”, and “stateName” as fields available for autofill maps
  • Autofill rules support custom value formatting
  • Autofill rules support quoted strings for attribute matching
  • Autofill maps can include rules from other maps
  • Autofill rules support checkboxes
  • Redid Jancy’s theme engine
  • Options to turn on coloring tabs by priority in both the main view and tab view
  • Added the Jancy version to the splash screen
  • Improved how preferences are saved. Hopefully addresses the issue of preferences not saving sometimes.
  • MacOS release
  • Improved keybinds to work better cross platform
  • Improved creating new tabs and duplicating tabs from multiple selected tabs
  • Proper handling of “chrome:” URI scheme
  • Added options to set the WebRTC handling policy
  • Added the ability to change the URL of one or more selected tabs in the same window
  • Added tab notes
  • Added tab priority groups
  • Added a tab debug info panel
  • Added the ability drag tabs out in to their own windows
  • General stability improvements
  • Better handling of large profile sets
  • Added the ability to search profiles by email
  • Added the ability to copy keybinds to the clipboard
  • Improved the logic driving the “Quit” dialog
  • Slightly better tab screenshot feature
  • Added support for dragging and dropping links from other applications in to Jancy
  • Better web permission handling
  • Added the ability to shuffle profiles when creating tabs from the new and duplicate tab dialogs
  • Made,,,, and work with the Site:Ticketmaster column
  • automatiq: Added support for retrieving TM and AXS passwords for profiles
  • arc: Added support for multiple “Passcode” columns
  • arc: Handle the various ways that proxies can be defined
  • axs: Show cart timer in the tab subtitle and sets the tab’s priority
  • etix: New plug-in that shows cart timer in the tab subtitle and sets the tab’s priority
  • events-for-purchase: new plug-in that works with a specific website that pairs event links with presale codes
  • textchest: New plugin that adds textchest profile resolver for Ticketmaster SMS codes
  • seatheros: New plugin that adds seatheros profile resolver for Ticketmaster SMS codes
  • ticketmaster: Added the setting panel that allows features to be enabled/disabled
  • ticketmaster: Added an option to automatically dismiss overlay when the event page loads
  • ticketmaster: Added option to show name on the credit card in the tab’s subtitle along with the cart timer
  • ticketmaster: Added options to set the tab priority group based on what TM page the tab is currently on
  • ticketmaster: Added ability to capture TM queue position to a file
  • ticketcount: Improvements to how event data is stored to disk
  • ticketcount: Made each site toggleable
  • ticketcount: Disabled AXS until we can figure out a workaround
  • ticketcount: Added map colors for user supplied offer keywords and ADS seats
  • ticketcount: Colored dots are kept in sync with cartable tickets
  • ticketcount: Added support for
  • ticketcount: Added count and row filters for vivid seats and stubhub
  • ticketcount: Added settings to control the initial widget state for secondaries
  • ticketsuite: General improvements to capture and highlight listings on Vivid and StubHub
  • ticketsuite: Added the ticketsuite password resolver
  • New menu options
    • Tabs -> Change URL
    • Tabs -> Reload tabs
    • Tabs -> Toggle Developer Tools
  • New settings
    • Core -> Max tabs per window (0 is uncapped)
    • Core -> New Tabs: Background tabs (ctrl + clicking on a link) created by an exsting tab open as a
    • Core -> New Tabs: Tabs created in a new window (shift + clicking on a link) created by existing tab open as a
    • Core -> New Tabs: Video autoplay
    • Core -> Tab Creation: Open a new tab when a link is dragged onto a tab’s webcontent
    • Core -> Autofill: Autofill fields that are already populated
    • User Interface -> Close tabs with a double click
    • User Interface -> Tabs -> Color tabs by priority
    • User Interface -> Tab View -> Color tabs by priority
    • User Interface -> Resort debounce timeout in seconds
    • User Interface -> Profiles -> Max number of profiles to return when searching
    • Profiles -> Auto refresh password when a password hasn’t already been resolved
    • Profiles -> Auto copy resolved profile values to the clipboard
    • Advanced -> Buffer tab updates for this many seconds before sending
    • Advanced -> Additional web preferences
    • Advanced -> Tab hiding mode
    • Advanced -> Tab v8 cache option
    • Advanced -> Tab WebRTC handling policy
    • Advanced -> Match preloaders and user scripts in the main process
    • Advanced -> Throttle animations and timers when a tab becomes backgrounded
    • Advanced -> Disable background renderer throttling
    • Advanced -> Disable hardware acceleration
    • Advanced -> Debugging -> Trace web content events
    • Advanced -> Debugging -> Trace web content permission calls
    • Advanced -> Debugging -> Show paint rectangles in web content
  • New keybinds
    • ctrl-1 (command-1 on MacOS): autofill profile details
    • ctrl-2 (command-2 on MacOS): autofill profile details and credit card 1
    • ctrl-3 (command-3 on MacOS): autofill profile details and credit card 2
    • ctrl-4 (command-4 on MacOS): autofill profile details and credit card 3
    • ctrl-5 (command-5 on MacOS): autofill profile details and credit card 4
    • ctrl-6 (command-6 on MacOS): autofill profile details and credit card 5
    • ctrl-shift-1 (command-shift-1 on MacOS): copy profile passcode #1 to the clipboard
    • ctrl-shift-2 (command-shift-2 on MacOS): copy profile passcode #2 to the clipboard
    • ctrl-shift-3 (command-shift-3 on MacOS): copy profile passcode #3 to the clipboard
    • ctrl-shift-4 (command-shift-4 on MacOS): copy profile passcode #4 to the clipboard
    • ctrl-shift-5 (command-shift-5 on MacOS): copy profile passcode #5 to the clipboard
    • ctrl-g (command-g on MacOS): change the URL on all selected tabs in the same window
    • ctrl-shift-j (command-shift-j on MacOs): refresh profile password
    • ctrl-: (command-: on MacOs): refresh profile SMS code
    • ctrl-shift-n (command-shift-n on MacOS): refresh profile email code
    • ctrl-h (command-h on MacOS): new tab custom
    • ctrl-shift-h (command-shift-h on MacOS): duplicate tab custom
  • Key bind changes
    • Select all related tabs was ctrl-alt-o is now ctrl-shift-k (command-shift-k on MacOS)
    • Duplicate tab as related was ctrl-alt-d is now ctrl-shift-d (command-shift-d on MacOS)
    • Close all tabs was ctrl-alt-w is now ctrl-shift-w (command-shift-w on MacOS)
    • Reload all tabs was alt-shift-r is now ctrl-shift-r (command-shift-r on MacOS)
    • Hard reload tab was ctrl-shift-r is now alt-f5
    • Toggle tab view was alt-t is now ctrl-shift-t (command-shift-t on MacOS)
    • Toggle images on/off was alt-z is now ctrl-shift-z (command-shift-z on MacOS)
    • Toggle dev tools was alt-] is now ctrl-shift-i (command-shift-i on MacOS)
    • Turn auto-reload off was alt-a is now ctrl-shift-a (command-shift-a on MacOS)
    • Toggle profile panel was alt-p is now ctrl-shift-p (command-shift-p on MacOS)
  • New single tab context menu items
    • Close tabs to the right
    • Change URL…
  • New multi tab context menu items
    • New tabs custom…
    • Duplicate selected tabs custom…
    • Change URL…
    • Clear cookies
  • Autofill support
  • Bug fix: fixed the “Open link in a new related tab” context menu option
  • Bug fix: fixed an issue with the ticketcount plugin saving count data
  • Bug fix: fixed an issue duplicating multiple selected tabs
  • Bug fix: fixed an issue with tabs not starting with proxies enabled when created from the New Tab Custom dialog
  • Bug fix: fixed an issue with parsing empty Site:Ticketmaster and Site:AXS columns in Jancy profile CSV files
  • Bug fix: fixed an issue with HTML entities not properly being displayed correctly in a tab’s title
  • Bug fix: fixed an issue with the arc plug-in and poorly defined proxies
  • Bug fix: fixed an issue with restoring windows and tabs when start mode is “continue”
  • Bug fix: logging into gmail works now
  • Bug fix: duplicating a tab copies the selected proxy provider from the tab being duplicated
  • Bug fix: fixed an issue with calculating tab priority based on queue position
  • Bug fix: fixed an issue with opening multiple tabs with a custom delay between tabs
  • Bug fix: fixed an issue with the plug-in system and new plug-ins loaded for the first time
  • Bug fix: fixed an issue parsing empty values from the Group column in Jancy profile CSV files
  • Bug fix: fixed an issue parsing malformed Site resolver values in Jancy profile CSV files
  • Bug fix: fixed an issue parsing malformed proxy values in Jancy profile CSV files
  • Bug fix: fixed an issue where you couldn’t see all configured profile providers if the window was too small
  • Bug fix: fixed an issue when second Jancy instances wouldn’t exit properly
  • Bug fix: fixed an issue with profile resolvers having additional equal signs in them
  • Bug fix: fixed an issue with cookies saving to profiles correctly