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Command Tag

The command tag can be used to add a new command to Jancy’s command registry.

 <command id="close-current-tab" description="Close current tab">
   tw.closeTab({ mode: "active" })


Commands start and end with a command tag.

command tag properties:

  • id required which must be unique amongst all commands registered with Jancy.

Jancy will always prepend the word user- to user defined commands.

  • description optional a human readable string describing what the command does.

If a description property is omitted, the id property will be used in it’s place.

The contents of the command tag will be used as the body of a Javascript function that will be executed when the command is executed. The function generated will be called with the following arguments:

If the command is defined as:

 <command id="close-current-tab" description="Close current tab">
   tw.closeTab({ mode: "active" })

the generated Javascript would be:

function f(jancy, tw) {
  tw.closeTab({ mode: "active" })