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Tab Window Creation Object


activeTab (string)

The ID of a tab in tabs that should be the active tab.

height (number)

The desired height (in pixels) of the new window.

name (string)

An optional name to assign to the window.

parent (Tabbed Window)

A parent tabbed window instance.

This is currently just used to position the new window.

showTabView (boolean)

Should tab view be open in the new window.

This property might be deprecated in a future release.

tabs ([Tab object])

Array of tab objects to populate the new window with created with one or more of the tab creation methods on the Tab Manager interface.

If the property is omitted, a default tab will be made in the new window.

width (number)

The desired width (in pixels) of the new window.

x (number)

The horizontal position (in pixels) of the new window.

y (number)

The vertical position (in pixels) of the new window.