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Plug-in Overview

Plug-in Folder Structure

A Jancy plug-in is just a folder with a couple of special files at a minimum.

|-- folder
|   | -- package.json
|   | -- src
|   |    | -- index.js


The package.json file must contain a valid JSON object with the following keys:

  • name (string) The name of your plug-in. This is what you’ll see this in the list of plug-ins on the Plug-in settings page
  • version (string) Version information about your plug-in. Mostly for informational purposes but might serve a bigger role in the future.
  • description (string) Brief description about your plug-in. It’s also displayed in the list of plug-ins next to your plug-in
  • main (string) Path to a file relative to your folder that implements your entry point.
 "name": "your-plugin-name",
 "version": "0.1",
 "description": "A short description of your plug-in",
 "main": "src/index.js"

Plug-in Entry Point

All plug-ins need an entry point file. The entry point must export a Javascript object with the following properties and functions.

The name of the entry point folder and file within the plug-in folder can be whatever you want. It doesn’t have to be src/index.js.

jancy_props (Object) required

  • registryVersion (Integer) required Informs the plug-in system what version of the plugin registry this plug-in expects.
  • enabled (boolean) optional If false, your plug-in will not be enabled the first time it loads and the user will have to enable it manually. Default is true.

Only registryVersion 1 is supported at the moment.

jancy_onInit(jancy, enabled) (Function) required

This function will get called after the plug-in system loads your plug-in. This is your first opportunity to interact with Jancy. It will be called with the following arguments.

  • jancy (Jancy object) the global Jancy object
  • enabled (boolean) flag that indicates if your plug-in is enabled or disabled

jancy_onInit can optionally return a promise that will be awaited on before the next plug-in is loaded. This makes it possible for jancy_onInit to be declared with the async keyword.

jancy_onEnabled(jancy) optional

This function will get called when your plug-in has been enabled after being disabled. It will be called with the following argument.

jancy_onEnabled can optionally return a promise that will be awaited. This makes it possible for jancy_onEnabled to be declared with the async keyword.

jancy_onDisabled(jancy) optional

This function will get called when your plug-in has been disabled after being enabled. It will be called with the following argument.

When this function is called you should try and do your best to undo the things your plug-in did in either jancy_onInit or jancy_onEnabled.

module.exports = {
  jancy_props: {
    registryVersion: 1
  jancy_onInit(jancy, enabled) {
    if (enabled) {
  jancy_onEnabled(jancy) {
    // Add stuff to jancy
  jancy_onDisabled(jancy) {
    // Remove stuff from jancy

jancy_onDisabled can optionally return a promise that will be awaited. This makes it possible for jancy_onDisabled to be declared with the async keyword.


When you’re done writing your plug-in or you want to test it, just copy or move your plug-in folder to the Jancy plug-ins folder.

If Jancy is currently running, you’ll need to restart it in order for it to see your plug-in.

  • On Windows the plug-in folder is located at %appdata%\Jancy\plugins
  • On MacOS the plug-in folder is locatd at ~/Library/Application Support/Jancy/plugins