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Profile File Format

The profile CSV file format Jancy natively understands contains a number of fields, most optional, that should allow you plenty of flexibility depending on your needs.

Jancy uses CSV (comma-seperated value) files as file format for profiles. You’ll probably want a good CSV editor as you create/modify these files. While Excel and Google Sheets seems like a natural choice because both can work with CSV files, you might be better off using software built specifically for CSV files. Software, like Excel, are very sophisticaed data manipulation tools and, if you don’t prevent them, they’ll try and guess what type of data is in each cell. When they write the data back to the CSV file you’ll find values, like credit card numbers, looking much different. There are plenty of good CSV editors on the internet. Here’s a couple if you don’t want to spend time looking:

  • Ron’s editor - Window’s only. Free for files with less than 1000 lines
  • Tablecurncher - MacOS only. I think the free version lets you save CSV files.


You can find an example profile file here.

A profile CSV is made up of series of columns.

There are three required columns every CSV must have:

  • Profile refers to the desired name/moniker for each profile must be unique for all profiles
  • Name is the first and last name of the person associated with that profile
  • Email should be the email address associated with the profile.

Documentation for the required columns can be found here

After you have the required columns, you can add one or more of the optional columns. Here’s a sampling of some of the optional columns you may find useful to add to your profile CSV.

  • Address the street address associated with the profile
  • City the city portion of the address
  • State the state portion of the address

The state must be formated as an abreviation of the state you would like to input. (e.g VA or NY)

  • Zip Code the zip code portion of the address
  • Phone Number the phone number associated with the profile

The accepted formatting for the phone number field is either a 10-digit number (e.g., 1112223333) or a number with dashes (e.g., 111-222-3333). If you add a country code, such as “1,” at the beginning of the number, Jancy will automatically remove it when parsing the profile.

  • Proxy the proxy to use for this profile whenever it’s selected into a tab

Documentation for all the optional columns can be found here

A profile can have zero or more credit cards associated with them as well. Only two columns are mandatory when adding a credit card.

  • the credit card number
  • the credit card CVV

There are number of optional credit card fields that can be included as well. Documentation for the credit card columns can be found here

The most complicated columns when it comes to profiles are the Site columns. Site columns are where you tell Jancy how it should retrieve passwords, email codes, and SMS codes for each profile.

Documentation for the Site columns can be found here. Documentation for the fields (password, emailcode, and smscode) and the various integrations Jancy comes bundled with can be found here.

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