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Key Binds

This page goes over the bind table, and how to edit key binds using the in app editor. This key binds can be viewed and edited in the key binds settings page (File -> Settings -> Key binds).

Key Bind Table

The keybinds can be viewed in the table

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You can filter with the column input fields

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These are special keybinds bound by the computer and cannot be edited

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There are two filering buttons. One to show commands that don’t have a keybind and another to show the conflicted keybinds.

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Edit Key Binds With The In-app Editor

You can click a key bind cell to edit the binding. All you need to do is press the sequence of keys you want

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If you want to remove a key bind just press Enter to clear it

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If there is a conflict the editor will let you know by highlighting with red

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There are OS keybinds that cannot be changed or conflicted with. The system will reject you setting to an OS keybind

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You will be notified that the system is updating with the message like the following image

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You will be notified that the system is finished updating with the message like the following image

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Creating New Key Binds With The In-app Editor

You can press the Create New Keybind button to add a keybind for any command in Jancy. It opens the dialog shown below:

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The dialog will tell you if there is a conflict with existing keybinds and will not allow you to save it

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