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Invoking Autofill

You can invoke autofill in a couple of different ways.

Autofill only works when a tab has a profile selected.

The Profile Panel

Pressing the download icon on the profile panel below any of the sections will invoke autofill.

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The Profile Context Menu

The profile context menu provides options for invoking autofill.

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Key Binds

There are a number default key binds that invoke autofill.

  • ctrl+1 (command+1 on MacOS) - Autofill profile details
  • ctrl+2 (command+2 on MacOS) - Autofill profile details and credit card 1
  • ctrl+3 (command+3 on MacOS) - Autofill profile details and credit card 2
  • ctrl+4 (command+4 on MacOS) - Autofill profile details and credit card 3
  • ctrl+5 (command+5 on MacOS) - Autofill profile details and credit card 4
  • ctrl+6 (command+6 on MacOS) - Autofill profile details and credit card 5

Profile Field Swapping

Profile field swapping enables dynamic substitution of autofill fields in real-time. For instance, you can interchange the data in the email field with that in the “free1” field. This functionality applies to all columns in your CSV. Distinct from the standard autofill, this feature is activated through specific commands or key binds, offering flexibility to use it as needed without modifying your autofill map file. You can edit the profile field swapping in the Autofill settings page in Jancy.